Carbohydrates 101

Author Albertsons Market Dietitian | January 21, 2025

Carbohydrates are your body's main and preferred source of energy. They help fuel everything from breathing, blinking, organs pumping blood, bowel movements, mental clarity, and the list goes on. So you might be thinking, “Why do carbs get such a bad rap if they have all these benefits?” Let’s dive right in!


Carbohydrates are our bodies preferred source of energy, and it includes the starch list (breads, cereals, grains, starchy vegetables, crackers, beans, peas, and lentils), the fruit list, and milk and milk substitutes. Other types of foods that contain carbohydrates are sweets, desserts, sugar beverages, alcohol and combination foods like casseroles. 


Complex carbohydrates are found in fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, whole grains and dairy. Simple carbohydrates are found in everything from sugar, food and drinks high in sugar, syrups, and even juices.  They can all play a role in giving us energy. When it comes to digesting simple sugars and more complex carbohydrates your body does a beautiful job of breaking down all food and converting the carbohydrates within that food to the body's preferred energy source known as glucose. 


Here’s what the body does know. Carbohydrates and naturally occurring sugar from whole foods such as fruit, breads, yogurt, etc. have additional benefits to them like vitamins, minerals, protein, fat, fiber and so on; sugar from a lollipop is simply sugar and water. This means the way your body goes about processing it looks a little different and yields a different outcome. Think of it like this: If you were to fill your gas tank with water, it would fill it up, but it would not provide the engine with any energy to move.  You would still need to put gas in the tank. The same is true for the body.  When you fill your “tank” with simple and refined sugar, it fills your body but doesn’t get all the nutrients you need to help your body. You need “fuel” to help your body with all of its processes to keep you moving and healthy.

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